Understanding your customer is always the most important thing.

I help you understand and build for customers so you can serve them better.


Audience Understanding

Moving beyond "one size fits all"—whether in sales, marketing, or product—is challenging and absolutely crucial.

Early Stage Product

If turning great ideas into great products were easy, the world would have fewer terrible products.

Client Testimonials


Who First

Create and apply Audience Profiles that drive outcomes with the Who First framework, developed by Joshua.

Fractional Leadership

Mid-term engagements (6+ months) providing product leadership for early stage organizations not prepared.


Advisory engagements provide support to executives on specific challenges.

The Foundations for Success

Audience Understanding.

If you don’t have a strategic, disciplined understanding of your customers that you can apply from lead generation through customer success, then no level of process, tools, or talent will bring sustainable growth.

Make Performance Visible.

Most organizations are drowning in data; they have more data than they can use and struggle to interpret and prioritize it. Useful measurement is a question of getting actionable data in the hands of the right people.

Fractional Product Leadership

Coming up with good ideas is easy. Turning those ideas into products is challenging. Fractional Product engagements add the missing discipline and leadership that so often trips up early-stage ventures.

Speak Strategy and Details

CEOs and Founders operate at a very high level. The doers—the designers, developers, sales, and marketing teams—have to work at a very detailed level. Fractional Product Leadership takes the big-picture, beat-the-competition, conquer-the-world vision and translates it into something that the doers can build and run—when you don’t have a team of product managers to rely on.

Get Realistic

Most organizations recognize developing a product in a vacuum is a mistake—and do it anyway. Fractional Product Leadership brings the experience and bandwidth to the table to involve and prioritize the demands of all the stakeholders in your success.

Don’t Build Alone

The deep focus and dedicated attention that successful products require taxes even established product companies. Fractional Product leadership is particularly valuable for organizations without a dedicated focus on product development. For example: building internal products, building their first product, and founder-led organizations in the early stages.